The first Prophecy, from Ex. 24:1-9, tells the story of Isaac’s marriage. Abraham sent his servant to choose a wife for Isaac “from his country and his kinsmen”. The prophecy reminds us that the Church, Christ’s bride, belongs to the bridegroom, Christ. He came in the flesh to choose us as His bride. He says “… they are not from this world as Myself, am not of this world either” (John 17:15). And the second Prophecy from Solomon in Proverbs 1:10 says “My son, if sinners entice you, Do not consent.” … continues the reference to Judas.
At the same time that Jesus’ disciple was selling Him for thirty pieces of silver, the woman was washing His feet with love. The woman who anointed Jesus’ head is the symbol of the soul making amendment to God for the treason of the disciple. We pray that we may wash Jesus’ feet with tears of repentance, like the woman cited in the Gospel.