
As part of our endeavour towards raising funds for our new hall (Project Ark), we took up the challenge of climbing the highest mountains in England, Scotland and Wales in 48 hours. These are Scafell Pike (978m), Ben Nevis (1,345m) and Snowdown (1,085m). First visualised by the late Fr. Mikhail Salama, the new hall project is very dear to every member of the congregation and serves as a blueprint for a promising future. It is a project that will make our church and local community grow stronger and enhance the services the church will have to offer. Raising the funds for this project can only be done with your help, so please sponsor us today and keep us in your thoughts and prayers.

Meet the climbers

Abanoob Salama
Abanoob SalamaPharmacist, 24
Bishoy Elwazan
Bishoy ElwazanPharmacist, 24
Girgis Kamal
Girgis KamalTax Tolley Intern, 22
John Baseluoss
John BaseluossBritish Soldier, 21
Mina Mansor
Mina MansorPharmacist, 24

Meet the drivers

Mark Philips
Mark PhilipsPetrol-for-Breakfast, 25
Mark Baseluoss
Mark BaseluossPetrolhead, 21

Messages from our sponsors

Very well Done young men very proud to have you around us wish you all success in life, God protect you in your mission

Hani Fakhouri

Wishing you all a safe climb and may God bless your endeavours

Natalie William

Good luck guys, we are proud of you

Mariana & Michael

You make me beyond proud. Praying for you all, you got this!

Sara Youssif

Good Luck to you. May God protect you and bring you back safely.
Keep it up

Mary Abdelsayed

Good luck, boys. Your devotion to our Church is an inspiration. God bless you, your loved ones and all love you.

Vinod Baid

All the very best, I think it’s a wonderful cause, May God bless you guys and help you meet and exceed your target.

Diana Bera

Support all the way from Canada ( aka Canadia ) 🙂

Kresten Andraous

Best of luck to you all!

Bahareh Motlagh

Very proud of Mina and all the participating youth for taking the challenge. God bless you.

Gamal & Nancy Mikhael
Proud of these boys
Hani Salih

Love seeing this. Good luck boys.

Peter Siha

Sponsor us

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