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Latest Update

7 April 2020

During these challenging times, we are all yearning to be at church, especially as we approach Holy Pascha week and the Feast of the Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. As with all church services that we have been able to deliver online, Holy Week Services will be delivered electronically so that we can all receive the blessings of the Lord’s passion. More details below.

20 March 2020

In light of the unprecedented crisis we are all facing with the Coronavirus outbreak, the heightened risk of to life that gatherings pose, and the escalation of measures by Public Health England, it is with a heavy heart that the Coptic Orthodox Diocese of London will temporarily be conducting Liturgies without congregations, and with a priest and a small number of deacons.

Please read the full statement from His Eminence Archbishop Angaelos here

How Ministries will be affected

We want to ensure that the Church remains at the core of our lives, even if it’s through virtual means. We will be live-streaming all of our services from Liturgies to Sunday school classes. This is how you can get involved:

Holy Week Services

We will live-stream Holy Week every day here. You can also join us on our Facebook page here.

Our Ministries 

Our Ministries have temporarily been transferred onto a virtual platform. We will be using Microsoft Teams to hold our Sunday school classes and meetings. You do not need to create an account, just simply click on one of the links below to join the meeting. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to WhatsApp us on 0208 458 5282 or contact the lead servant of the ministry. 

We can support YOU

Are you vulnerable or self-isolated? Do you know anyone that may need help?

If you are elderly, physically and mentally less able, with underlying health conditions, front-line NHS staff, alone with no family/friends, or financially constrained.

The parish has set up a Response Team with healthy volunteers willing to help. Whether it’s picking up your prescription, your shopping or anything else, they can help!

Send us a message on our church WhatsApp Number: 0208 458 5282 or contact the fathers directly:

  • Fr Looka Kamel: +44 7984 540642

  • Fr Mina Barsoum: +44 7908 741196

Your church NEEDS YOU

We are looking for healthy volunteers to help our community. People to pick up and drop off supplies, groceries and medications.

If this is you please get in touch 

Send us a message on our church WhatsApp Number: 0208 458 5282 or contact the fathers directly:

  • Fr Looka Kamel: +44 7984 540642

  • Fr Mina Barsoum: +44 7908 741196